P2000 MD series discount program for returning customers
Returning customers purchasing the new P2000 MD series*** can enjoy a special discount when a valid old order# is presented
Definition of a valid old order#:
A valid mr12volt.com old order# that has not been refunded, returned or cancelled, that were placed on or before 31st March 2022 to purchase a P2000 or P2000 LIGHTS product;
Old order# that did not purchase a P2000 or P2000 LIGHTS will not be accepted;
Old order# from other resellers will not be accepted;
Each old order# is only entitled to discount for one unit of P2000 MD series*** purchased;
Each old order# can only be used once;
The discount:
The discount amount is USD100 per order for USD paid order#;
The discount amount is EURO100 per order for EURO paid order#;
Returning customers ordering procedures:
New order must include purchase of at least one unit of P2000 MD series***;
New order must be placed with the same full name used in the old order#;
Please put a valid old order# into "Buyer's Note" when placing the new order;
Once approved, the discount amount will be refunded to the new order#.
Processing time for discount will be approximately 5 working days.
This discount program is valid until 31st May 2022
Mr12volt.com reserves the final right to decide if an order# is eligible to enter this discount program.
*** P2000 MD series include models: CCCMD, CICMD, 2G26MD, 2G20MD, 3GGMD, 3G7MD, 3G8MD, PCM31MD